Your unique collective future is:

These futures have been authored by the artist in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence. They draw upon megatrends established across science, art, politics, and culture in combination with radical concepts and proposals from future forsight games.

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What are future forsight games?

Contemporary methods of future forsight occur largely in the digital domain. Entertainment videogames and virtual simulations conjure metaverse and multiverse dynamics through which time and space can be traversed. Such games and simulations are deployed to predict stock-market trends, military tactics, weather patterns, and climate changes informing real-world scenarios, decisions, and conflict outcomes. Here they are used to predict future societies.

 These forsight games often to point toward a spectrum of cataclysms and human obsolescence. We find ourselves caught in a timeline defined by defeat. By rethinking electronic predictive practices in a material and historical perspective, we might demystify computers and games while simultaneously reenchanting them toward collective action to generate yet-unimagined futures that are hopeful, rich, and strange.

Generate another collective future?

Generate an individual fortune?